It has been way too long since my last post. Not to make any excuses or anything but, anyone and everyone who has been a bride would understand the pure craziness I seemed to live the first part of the year. I know, it's been over 3 months since the wedding but, things seem to finally be settling down just now. So, here I am. Writing about the most incredible day of my life thus far.

We started our day just like any other. Ignoring my mothers request to avoid a wedding superstition by sleeping at her house I decided to stay at home, with Blake, in our own bed. Best decision ever! I was able to get somewhat of a good nights sleep and my nerves seemed to be settled starting the day out normal. Blake was sipping his daily cup of coffee while watching Sports Center when I kissed him on my way out the door for my hair appointment.
I met my mom, sister and niece at the Grass Roots Salon where we were all beautified. We then went to my mom's house to finish getting ready. This is when the butterflies really started setting in. I remember having a second to myself away from the hustle that filled the house and I was instantly overwhelmed with an incredible feeling. This was the day I had been waiting for what seemed like forever. I thought of the man that I was about to marry and was reminded why I waited so long. He was worth every single second.
My mom helped me into my dress and before I knew it we were on our way to the barn. When we arrived I remember seeing my dad very first and then getting the start of a million hugs from other relatives and friends. I kinda rushed by everyone because, I was in such a hurry to see Blake who was hiding around the corner. He had not seen me or my dress yet. That was one "wedding superstition" I decided to follow.
I snuck up behind him and when he turned around I don't know that I even gave him a chance to look at me before I hugged him. It was a huge blur but, I remember being extremely happy to see him regardless of how he thought I looked.
Shortly after seeing Blake we began to gather our wedding party and our guests were seated. Blake and President Richin's walked to the front of the isle first and then the music started. Our wedding party entered to a piano version of Cannon In D which then faded into A Thousand Years by Elise Lieberth. Blake's adorable nephew Benson carried our rings that were in a box my grandpa made for us and my little sister Cambre was our flower girl. She threw little paper hearts I cut out of old books. As I watched Cambre go through the doors I realized I left my veil in my moms car. My heart sunk. I loved my veil. but, it was too late.. I was seconds away from walking down the isle with my dad.
The ceremony was absolutely perfect!! Minus my veil and the fact our officiant forgot to have us exchange our rings.. I was married to Blake and that's all that mattered. What's a wedding without a few mishaps anyways, right?
While Blake and I were getting all our pictures taken our family, friends and incredible florist/planner Heather Gerrard worked their tails off to transform the barn for our reception. When we walked in for the first time we were amazed! . Everything was EXACTLY how I had pictured it to be. All my hard work had paid off. It was seriously a dream come true. I didn't exactly "enjoy" planning our wedding. In fact, it might be safe to say I completely and totally hated planning our wedding. But, I can honestly say every single tear, every ounce of stress, every last penny and all those sleepless nights were beyond worth it. Our wedding was absolutely perfect and it will be a day we will never forget!